Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A new era of freedom.

I called today and made myself an appointment to speak with someone about my depression. I have an appointment at Triumph here in Forsyth County on Thursday at 11am. I never would have been able to get in to see someone so soon in Guilford County. I'm guessing there are less crazy people here in Forsyth. Yay for me.

After work tonight I will be driving to Wilmington. Its a three hour trip and then I will crawl into bed with my honey at his hotel for a few hours sleep. Then I will get up and go find the least populated spot on one of the beaches, most likely Kure Beach since it tends to be more family oriented, and set up camp for the day. I have a brand new book to read called "Gods in Alabama". Its a book about a girl who ran from her past only to have it catch up with her 10 years later in the form of the head cheerleader from her high school on her doorstep. Its by a southern author and promises intrigue and humor. I will read that book all day while soaking up the sun on the beach. Then I will drive home.

Tomorrow will be a good day.


perdido said...

I hope it helps.

That sounds like a good book, I'm going to look for it.

Andrew said...

I just wanted to let you know I am still reading. The auto-play video on your blog is a bit disconcerting though and has tended to chase me off. I often listen to music as I browse and that post is clashing with my music. Still, it hasn’t kept me away. I care about you very much and hate to see you going through a hard time. I wish there was something I could do to make things easier. If you lived closer, we would just go be goofy and have some fun. I could introduce you to George (Sherman) and then things would get REALLY INTERESTING.

Happy birthday to you on an early basis if I am not around. Thirty is not that big of a deal. Now, sixty is another matter altogether; more than half of your life is gone. You are still so young and have so much to offer and experience. I hope I am not being condescending. I just care and want you to know that someone out there thinks highly of you. I find you a brilliant and amazing person. You are underappreciated in your time. Always remember that.

(M)ary said...

Good for you! Keep looking for help. Keep reaching out.

Don't worry about turning 30 and not yet having the happy home life that you want. Life is long! You have time. You really do! Hang in there.

ps I just turned 40 and the big change: I don't feel like happiness comes in one flavor any longer.

Karin's Korner said...

Let me know about the book, it sounds like something that I would like to read. I also want you to know that I am glad you are going to talk to someone.


Karin's Korner said...

Getting worried about you. Let me know how things are going with you and that you are ok.

Jade Rocks said...

Thanks Karin. I went to the beach for one day and ended up staying 2. I came back Friday in time for work. I then worked all day on Saturday and then went out for my birthday. I spent all day yesterday in bed due to the hangover. So today is my first day out of bed. Thanks for caring though. I appreciate it when people notice that I'm gone.