Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I just took an Ambien so things could get hinky...

What is the deal with the Olive Garden constantly being able to offer never-ending this and never-ending that? First they started with the salad and bread sticks then progressed to soup and now pasta. Pasta? It's only $7.95 for all you can eat of your choice of sauce and pasta. I don't know about you guys, but I can only eat so much pasta. Most of the time I have to get a to-go box and I doubt they will let you do that with the all you can eat deal. What am I talking about, I'll never go to the Olive Garden.

Now the 'Never Ending Story' that was a good idea...

I absolutely am in love with commercials these days. Why is it that now that I have a DVR commercials are grabbing my attention? It's probably that whole, 'You always want what you haven't got' thing. So since I now have the ability to fast forward through the commercials they now make me want to watch them. My new favorite is Nike commercial with Maria Sharapova where everyone is singing 'I feel Pretty' as she walks by. That rocks because then she gets out there and NAILS the HECK out of the ball! She ain't no Anna Kournakova clone, that is fo' sho'. And of course you have to give props to the MAC commercials with the dude from 'Waiting' in them. You know the ones where he is introduces himself as a Mac and the bald dorky dude intros himself as a pc. Classic advertising.

I am however sick of car commercials and Target commercials. EVERYone is going to shop at target so don't worry about being artsy. And its not like I'm gonna see a great deal for a Ford and then run out and buy one. Enough already.

You know what we need more of?


mr & ms CabDriverLol said...

i sometimes get the

"hands in mah pockets, hands in mah pockets, handdds in mah pOckeeets"

stuck in my head.

I made a song for my cat with the same inflections as the 'hands in mah pockets' ditty.

"STRING on-a-stick, string ON A stick, string on a STIII-ick"

LOL, it's her fave toy.

(to answer your question in advance... yes, i do have too much time on my hands lol)

Jade Rocks said...

I am afraid I do not know which song you speak of unless you are refering to the Alanis Morrisette song of the 90's. Then, I totally understand.

I wish I had a cat. Or any pet for that matter. I've been thinking about a pig. I could build a pen out back maybe? with a pig pool and a pig house and I'll dress it in a tutu and drive it to dairy queen for buster bars like suzanne did with noel on designing women...

attention folks:
the would be the manic portion of my illness.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love ambien.