I was just reading over blogs on here and noticed a girls icon on Karin's page. It is a picture of just the lower back, butt and upper thighs of a girl wearing a shiny skirt that apears to shimmer with the light. I see things like this and I wonder what it would be like to be that girl. I'm sure that isn't Karin's blogging friends butt. Who's butt is it? Why can't it be my butt? Why don't I have sparkly skirts and butterfly tattoos? What do I have to wear to get an icon made out of my butt?
My life constantly revolves like this. I constantly wonder why not me? Why don't people pay attention to me? Why don't people do things for me? Why don't people think of me? Does that make me narcissistic or just self-indulgent? My life is going better than it ever has. I'm loving school, I have myself on a path to getting help with my mental problems, I actually think I can do something with my life and I have a wonderful place to live. I'm not constantly obsessing over spending the rest of my life alone, nor am I scared that I can't pay my bills. So why am I still struggling?
Some would argue that I need God. But what is God? I've had God and I got pregnant and shunned from my church. I got treated like a leaper by my family and wound up with nowhere to live and my boyfriend was cheating on me. So no, God isn't my option. And don't give me that faith crap, or that "HE was testing you" crap. A true and loving God wouldn't leave his children out there to flounder and flop. I know that tons of people find comfort in God and religion and such. I do not. I know there isn't much that I find comfort in but I know it isn't religion. I do consider myself spritual, but not religious. You can only be let down so many times before you stop trying.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyones religious beliefs at all. People find comfort in many different things. I would never try and force my beliefs on anyone and I certainly wouldn't want someone trying to force theirs on me. I think that people who do that are close minded and hypocritical. It is ridiculous to assume that your way is the only way. Thats like saying that an entire nation of people ie: India is going to Hell because they don't accept Jesus as their Lord and Personal Savior. Thats just nuts.
Ok I think I've sufficiently offended enough people to go to bed now...
I don't find your opinions, or anyone's opinions for that matter, offensive. It would be dishonest to hide them, I think. It's only when people try to push their opinions on others that they become offensive.
Just wanted to let you know that it is not my blog with the shimmery butt, I wish I could take credit for it but it is over at Di's blog at weekendsoff.blogspot.com I don't even know how to do something like that. And by the way...I wish my 42 year old butt looked like that :)I am glad that I can put up a picture when I blog. I don't know how to do much but I am learning. No offense taken with your blog. I agree with firefly you are entitled to your opinion, this is America!!
And oh yeah, concerning the country of India, etc....I'm not good with chapter and verse, but somewhere in the Bible it says that people without knowledge of salvation will be judged by their conscience and either accused or excused by it. Jesus did say the only way to heaven was through Him, but I believe He also knew that some people wouldn't have a chance and made exception for them. Of course, this is an arguable opinion. No matter what you do or don't believe, some fool out there will tell you you're going to hell. It just muddies the waters in the search for Truth
Karin I know it isn't your butt, however thanks for clearing that up. hahaha!
awwww man Jade, I was hoping that you thought it was my butt :(
WEll I'm sure if it was your butt that you would be broadcasting it to the highest mountain tops, as would I. But we can just take the butts we have and slap some kinda glittery sumpin' or other on em' and take a snapshot. If it turns out crappy we can just call it art and sell it for a million bucks! Its a win win her Kar...but you go first.
Don't feel bad; i wish my butt was a few sizes smaller.
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