So last night was the owner of my place of work's 50th birthday. The crew decided she needed to be picked up in a stretch navigator and whisked to Harris Teeter to buy champagne.

No wait, we were supposed to whisking her to Much for a birthday bash but got side tracked due to the fact that between the 7 of us we downed 3 bottles of Champagne before we got out of Irving Park. So after a brief stop off at Jimmy's house (just don't ask) we headed to the Taj Ma Teeter to grab a few more bottles to tide us over till we got downtown. We barely made it...

I didn't quite realize how tipsy I had become until I attempted to exit the vehicle. Poor Felix had a time getting us in and out of the monstrosity. I'm sure he was glad to be rid of us.
Once we hit Much it was time to cut the cake.

The cake never actually got cut by the way, but it did get eaten. We a just grabbed plastic forks and kinda picked at it all night long. We are classy bunch you see...

The rest of the night is a vivid blur. Chapagne is one of those things that really should be drank at the end of an evening not the beginning. It is also a rather devilish alcohol. You don't realize that you've even had a sip until you attempt to stand up or function in any other capacity than to sit there demurely sipping. I told you all that I had quit drinking, and I really had. I only had a few at home amoungst friends. But after I was already tipsy, with a ride and place to stay locally, why not let the chips the fall where they may. And they fell, on the concrete staircase on the corner of Market and Greene street downtown.
Well we didn't actually fall, more like took a break. Elena needed to smoke and I needed to get out of those heels. But we never really got up from there. The tragic thing was it was only about 11:30pm and we had been sufficiently trashed and already drinking water for about an hour. Yes folks we would have slept on those steps if it wasn't for one of our dearly beloved co-workers wandering by. Dear sweet Evelyn had made it out to the celebration with her husband and graciously agreed to take Elena and I home. There was only a minor problem, Elena wouldn't tell us where she lived and I didn't know how to get there either. Miraculously, my phone rang and it was the beloved but missing from the debauchery, Christy! Christy told Evelyn how to get us home and we made it in one peice and were in the bed by 12:30am. Ah to be young again...
Oh, you are so young. I feel old at 34. I can feel my biological clock ticking. You have a very pretty group of friends. I am envious of such people. My social group is an alcoholic clown and a homeless guy. Hopefully, I will make some healthier friends at AA.
I consider you a “blog friend” and always appreciate your comments. Your comments are so interesting to read and bring joy to me. Thank you so much. I hope I can return the favor by doing the same on your blog as well. You take care of yourself and I am glad things are okay between you and your significant other (boyfriend). BTW, you write VERY well and have a talent for it. Keep it up. You have a reader in me.
Jonathon (Andrew)
Andrew (jonathon),
don't know what to call you here...
My name really is Jade though.
Your blog has inspired me to write more often. I had often read others blogs and they seemed so contrived and commercial; almost like they were mass produced. Yours has a fresh, honesty about it where I know it is your real life. I appreciate that. Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for complimenting my friends. They really are more co-workers than friends. You notice that none of them were are my 4th cook out and all were invited. But I digress...
Sleeping on steps or almost well nonetheless sounds like me. Although I like to sleep on benches, just too drunk to walk to the house. Seriously it is only 40 yards. Love the blog keep them coming.
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