So this post is from my party days. It actually wasn't that long ago. December 3rd 2005 to be exact. I just came across it found it quite funny.
Welcome to the first episode of The Real World Greensboring.
In our first episode we find Jade, drunk and stumbling at The Blind Tiger. She stumbled so much she fell right in to the corner of the stage and ended up with this doozy...

Yes thats correct folks. I busted my eye open in the middle of Sweet Child of Mine last night. My knees are bruised too. I have a very raspy voice and I can't find my jacket. Brandy (who showed up to surprise us) got there just in time to hear about 4 songs before I banged my head... literally. I spent the rest of the evening at Wesley Long's Emergency Room. They put a dermabond adhesive bandage on it and gave me the following information:
Your exam shows that you have a problem with alcohol intoxication. Drinking too much is often the cause of car crashes. Medical illness like depression, nerve problems, liver damage, ulcers, and bleeding from the stomach are common in heavy drinkers. It is improtant that you think about the effect alcohol is having on your health and safety. You have been released from further care today, but you must remember that recognizing that you have a drinking problem is not always easy. Ask your family members, friends and your work associates. Please call your doctor, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), or a drug or alcohol rehab program for further help.
So thus was my evening of ridiculousness. Oh and my knees are covered in huge bruises and my new cowboy boots are ruined. Sweet.
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