Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Guess I better start bloggin...

I have been saving this blog for something poignant and life altering. I really don't know why. I mean, how often does that actually happen in ones life?

I've coasted through this site reading blogs and learning new and exciting things. I've commented on a few and I've been unable to find words for others. I hate that part. I am a super social person and feel the need to give feedback, even if its just a smile or a 'hmmm'. I feel that need to be validated so I assume everyone is the same. This is not the case.

As a child and on into young adulthood I kept a journal. These journals ranged from wirebound notebooks to fancy-schmancy decorated monstrosities. I always tried to leave these out in easily stumbled upon places. I wanted someone to read them and confront me about them. It never happened. With the sudden craze of the 'blog', I can leave my journal out for a larger group. You know what they say, throw a handful of noodles at the wall and one is bound to stick. I need bigger hands.

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