Saturday, November 15, 2008

The New Face of Rocks

I have re-vamped my blog for your reading pleasure. I have new interests, new about me's and a new name.

So I'll introduce myself for the new readers.

Hi, I'm Jade aka: Jade Rocks...get it?

I'm a bartender and a perpetual student. I'm not ready to grow up and I'm not ready to give up. I eat what I want and say what I mean. Some of my posts might offend you. If they do, then argue with me. I love banter, especially of the intelligent kind. I love to write but I'm not super great with my grammar so don't bust my chops. I will always use contractions correctly and spell to the best of my spell check ability.

And yes, Jade is my real name. And no, I won't tell you where I work. It's hard enough out there without having stalkers!

So stay tuned and I'll surely entertain you....

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