As some of you know I *used* to do makeup for a living. I enjoyed making people feel good about themselves and helping them get out of their ridiculous eyeshadow addictions and horrible blush overdo's. I hated having to sell the makeup to them in that sleezy used car way though. That's why I loved wedding and prom makeovers because there was no pressure to make money. All I had to do was my art.
Well now I'm back to bartending and I miss making chicks feel good about themselves. And there is only so much I can do to myself considering I hate taking off makeup. I guess it's like cooking; I love to cook but I can't stand cleaning up after. Anyway, back to the subject at hand...
I just bought some new Bed Head pallettes and I sooooo want to try them out. So someone please call me so I can fix your face! Anybody?! I'll even do men, I was known for that at the snatcheral (my last place of employment).
The trials and tribulations of a thirty-something bartender struggling to survive the pitfalls and frustrations of the single life.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Tillers.

Well Matilda has certainly grown up! She is now about 55lbs of pure muscle! And wide slap open!
She has eaten the couch I've had since I got my first apartment. It is now a wooden frame with cushions and sheets covering it. She has also eaten 3 remote controls and 2 pairs of glasses. Luckily I'm getting Lasic soon so she won't have anymore of those to chew on!

She also ate a feather bed we had in her crate. Here is the explosion of feathers that incurred!

Matilda has developed an intense love for the water hose and won't let any of us touch it. That hose is now her favorite toy, especially when a sprinker is hooked to the end of it! I bought her a slip n slide too but she ate it. Here are some pictures and I'll see if I can get some video up of her water fun!
Lasic Surgery is actual surgery right?
I went to my consultation for Lasic Surgery today. I felt like I got herded through and rushed out the door. They didn't tell me anything but the date to show up and don't wear makeup! Are you kidding me? I'm not buying a sweater, I'm having a life changing operation! I know that they are used to this crap because its common place to them. But I've not been through and I don't know anything about it. I need hand holding and reassuring. They say they hold your hand through the experience in the brochure. They didn't so much as glance in my direction much less hold my hand.
I called the 1-800 number they gave me and complained. Yes, I'm that girl. They called me back within a few minutes and told me 100 times more than what they told me in the office. Literally I was there 15 minutes and half of that was in the waiting room! They told me I would have to wear goggles to sleep in for 10 nights and that I would most likely want to go to sleep after the procedure. It would have been nice to know that in my consultation. She also told me that my vision was correctable to 20/20. Something else that would have been nice to know.
I always rant and rave about poor customer service in the american public and this was it at its finest. It felt like I was having a script read to me, not a nurse explaining a surgery. I just think they need to realize that some people need more than a standard pitch. I'm gonna do the surgery, I just wish they were slightly more caring.
I called the 1-800 number they gave me and complained. Yes, I'm that girl. They called me back within a few minutes and told me 100 times more than what they told me in the office. Literally I was there 15 minutes and half of that was in the waiting room! They told me I would have to wear goggles to sleep in for 10 nights and that I would most likely want to go to sleep after the procedure. It would have been nice to know that in my consultation. She also told me that my vision was correctable to 20/20. Something else that would have been nice to know.
I always rant and rave about poor customer service in the american public and this was it at its finest. It felt like I was having a script read to me, not a nurse explaining a surgery. I just think they need to realize that some people need more than a standard pitch. I'm gonna do the surgery, I just wish they were slightly more caring.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Get out of my head and into my pocket...
The bottomless pit of the service industry.
Category: Food and Restaurants
I tend to have a rather low opinion of myself. I don't know if that has something to do with things that happened in my childhood or things that have continually happened throughout my life. But I can say with absolute certainty that the one thing in my life that I am good at is the service industry. Put me in any restaurant anywhere in the US and I can do it with little to no training.
It's almost automatic. I revert to my restaurant skills even at home or when I'm out to dinner. I'm constantly scanning the place for things being done wrong or things that should be attended to. Why? Why do I care if the slackers at Ruby Tuesday aren't paying attention to the guy across the aisle from me who has been out of tea for at least 15 minutes? Why do I care that there are 8 dirty tables and 12 servers standing up at the host stand goofing off?
I shouldn't care, it isn't affecting my tip or my restaurants reputation. But something has gotten inside of me and made me uncomfortable to be around mediocrity in the restaurant business. Frankly I'm sick of it. I just want to get out of this industry all together and have a normal job. A job where I get lunch breaks and health insurance. A job where I don't make $2.43 and hour and have to depend on tightwads to figure up how many of their pennies they are going to part with at the end of their meal. I want a job where I can take days off because I have a fever and still get paid for it. I want normal hours where I can actually be home when my boyfriend goes to bed and get up in the morning and make breakfast. I want a normal life.
And as a side note for those of you who aren't in the know...
Minimum wage for tipped employees was $2.13 and hour for as long as I can remember. Then, as luck would have a little less than a year ago the mimimum wage went up to $3.10 an hour. Oh what a glorius few months of paychecks that are almost large enough for a tank of gas. However, last week minimum wage for tipped employees went down again to $2.43. So all of you waitstaff and bartenders that got used to an actual paycheck, get ready for it to be cut again. Sorry guys, I guess tipped employees are again, two thirds of a person.
Category: Food and Restaurants
I tend to have a rather low opinion of myself. I don't know if that has something to do with things that happened in my childhood or things that have continually happened throughout my life. But I can say with absolute certainty that the one thing in my life that I am good at is the service industry. Put me in any restaurant anywhere in the US and I can do it with little to no training.
It's almost automatic. I revert to my restaurant skills even at home or when I'm out to dinner. I'm constantly scanning the place for things being done wrong or things that should be attended to. Why? Why do I care if the slackers at Ruby Tuesday aren't paying attention to the guy across the aisle from me who has been out of tea for at least 15 minutes? Why do I care that there are 8 dirty tables and 12 servers standing up at the host stand goofing off?
I shouldn't care, it isn't affecting my tip or my restaurants reputation. But something has gotten inside of me and made me uncomfortable to be around mediocrity in the restaurant business. Frankly I'm sick of it. I just want to get out of this industry all together and have a normal job. A job where I get lunch breaks and health insurance. A job where I don't make $2.43 and hour and have to depend on tightwads to figure up how many of their pennies they are going to part with at the end of their meal. I want a job where I can take days off because I have a fever and still get paid for it. I want normal hours where I can actually be home when my boyfriend goes to bed and get up in the morning and make breakfast. I want a normal life.
And as a side note for those of you who aren't in the know...
Minimum wage for tipped employees was $2.13 and hour for as long as I can remember. Then, as luck would have a little less than a year ago the mimimum wage went up to $3.10 an hour. Oh what a glorius few months of paychecks that are almost large enough for a tank of gas. However, last week minimum wage for tipped employees went down again to $2.43. So all of you waitstaff and bartenders that got used to an actual paycheck, get ready for it to be cut again. Sorry guys, I guess tipped employees are again, two thirds of a person.
The do's and don'ts of patronizing your local bar.
Although I didn't write this originally, I've been meaning to to write some more about this very subject. Please read it and learn, you non-restaurant people. We are giving you the keys to the kingdom here! ~Jade
Someone once pointed out to me the fact that there seems to be a micro-economy in the service industry. Restaurant workers take their tip money out to bars and clubs at night and give it to the bartenders, who promptly return it to the waiters and waitresses the next day at lunch. The cycle is almost self-sufficient and is mutually beneficial. Knowing the pain of waiting on customers, each group tips the other well and never raises a fuss. These people do not need to be educated. The rest of you do.
Many of us have stood in a noisy, crowded bar and asked, "What's a guy got to do to get a drink around here?" Well, you're about to find out. Here are some Do's and Don'ts that will keep the relationship between the bartender and bar patron running smoothly.
1.Fail to have your money ready
We're waiting on you. Everyone else is waiting on us. Therefore, by the Transitive Property of Equality, everyone is waiting on you. Rule 1: Have your shit together. Not only will following Rule 1 get you served quicker in a bar, it's a good general rule to adopt in life and is especially helpful in Central American border crossing scenarios.
This is an absolute No-No. You whistle at dogs, not people.
3.Wave money
Oh, you've got a dollar!! I'll be right over!! Hopefully I won't break an ankle in my fevered rush to get you your "curz lite." Well, at least you're not breaking the next rule.
4.Yell out the bartender's first name
There's something deeply psychologically disturbing about hearing your name called out, turning around and seeing a complete stranger. That's one of the reasons strippers use stage names. Bartender's do too. Mine is MANTHUNDER.
5.Say "make it strong!" or "put a lot of liquor in it"
Oh, you're one of the rare drinkers that like their drink strong! When you say this, you're assuming I make weak drinks (which is insulting) and you're assuming that I'll stiffen this one up for my new best buddy, you. This is the best way to get a weak drink.
6.Give the ever-expanding drink order
You want a Bud. I go get it. I come back and now you want a Margarita. Okay, no prob. I come back, and (oh yeah!) now you want a shot of Tequila, too. You really could have told us this all at once. See Rule 1.
7.Pull the redirect (or the bait 'n' switch)
Usually used after the money wave or the whistle, this is when the gentlemen passes his turn to the lady behind him. Yeah, um, don't do that, okay? Chances are she's not ready, and your weak attempt at chivalry just cost you your turn. See you in 30 minutes.
8.Try the confused, lost look
This is usually accompanied by the question "What kind of beer y'all got?" while looking at all the beers we have. You did know you were in a bar, right? You didn't just appear here, did you? Refer to Rule 1.
9.Order High Maintenance shooters
Example: "Lemme get an Alabama Slammer, a Red Snapper, two Kamikazes, a Buttery Nipple and a Lemon Drop." Usually followed by a small tip. People, these shooters are fine by themselves, but there are multiple steps involved with each one. Translation: Time Sink. You may get them this time, but you'll probably be waited on last the next time we see your face. Here's a clue as to whether or not you're high maintenance; if two bartenders are working and they see you, and they flip a coin and the loser comes over to take your order, pretty good chance you're high maintenance.
10.Assume we know you're in the band
We know, we know, you're gonna be really famous, but you're not there yet, tiger. Tell us you're in the band and which band you're in. By the way, if you are in a band and get free/reduced drink prices, feel free to tip, as most bartenders are also in bands! It's not like we don't know how it is. Oh, and our bands will smoke your band.
11.Assume we know you period
Unless you've followed the first "Do" rule below, we don't remember you. You are one of a thousand faces for us, and when you point at an empty glass or a beer bottle that's invariably facing away from us, your attempt at a shortcut backfires. Tell us what you want.
12.Apologize for sucking
Don't apologize for not tipping. Acknowledging that you suck is not the same as not sucking. Oh, and don't say "I'll get ya next time." We know all about you.
13.Assume soft drinks are free
Are they free at McDonald's? Are they free at Wal-Mart? Are they free anywhere? I blame M.A.D.D. for this myth.
14.Put pennies and nickels in the tip jar
We don't want that crap in our pockets any more than you do. We don't have anything smaller than quarters. Have you ever ordered a drink that cost $3.17?
15.Be "The Microbrew Aficionado"
Usually a pseudo-hippy who can't tip a quarter but can't bring himself to drink "schwag," and who has to sample some new berry-wheat-harvest-ale that he heard about at Burning Man. "Do you have the new Vernal-Equinox Special Welcome-Fest?" "Does Anyone?" Here's your Newcastle. Go.
16.Be "The Daddy Warbucks"
Dressed in classic day-trader wear, this loud, boisterous guy smokes cigars and orders Martinis and generally exudes an air of money. Until the tip. We hate you.
17.Be a "Whiney Baby"
Under no circumstances should you ever whine to a bartender when asked to see your ID. Our jobs depend on them, and when we spot a fake/expired ID, don't argue; we've seen and heard it all a million times before, and it will get you absolutely nowhere. If you "don't have one" or "forgot it," forget it; you don't belong out on the town in the first place. That's the law, plain and simple. If we don't have the law, the terrorists win. You don't want the terrorists to win, do you? Bring your ID. Remember Rule 1, from a minute ago?
18.Don't tell me the bartender at the front bar hooks it up cheaper bullshit because if he did you wouldn't be at my bar gettin it from me! if you can't afford the drinks you are ordering then don't drink!
Tip heavy right off the bat, and you're the first person we aim for every time you come up to the bar. Did you get that? Go back and read it again. The word will spread to the other bartenders and you'll be treated like a prince. It will pay off in better drinks and the occasional free one.
2.Be patient
All you really need to do to get waited on is make eye contact. We see you, and we'll get to you before the guy right next to you waving money and whistling. Remember, this isn't insulin we're passing out here. If you really need the drink that bad, you've got a problem to address, Jack. The meek shall inherit the bar.
we are human not machines we know you're there however you are not the only or most important one in the bar...
Someone once pointed out to me the fact that there seems to be a micro-economy in the service industry. Restaurant workers take their tip money out to bars and clubs at night and give it to the bartenders, who promptly return it to the waiters and waitresses the next day at lunch. The cycle is almost self-sufficient and is mutually beneficial. Knowing the pain of waiting on customers, each group tips the other well and never raises a fuss. These people do not need to be educated. The rest of you do.
Many of us have stood in a noisy, crowded bar and asked, "What's a guy got to do to get a drink around here?" Well, you're about to find out. Here are some Do's and Don'ts that will keep the relationship between the bartender and bar patron running smoothly.
1.Fail to have your money ready
We're waiting on you. Everyone else is waiting on us. Therefore, by the Transitive Property of Equality, everyone is waiting on you. Rule 1: Have your shit together. Not only will following Rule 1 get you served quicker in a bar, it's a good general rule to adopt in life and is especially helpful in Central American border crossing scenarios.
This is an absolute No-No. You whistle at dogs, not people.
3.Wave money
Oh, you've got a dollar!! I'll be right over!! Hopefully I won't break an ankle in my fevered rush to get you your "curz lite." Well, at least you're not breaking the next rule.
4.Yell out the bartender's first name
There's something deeply psychologically disturbing about hearing your name called out, turning around and seeing a complete stranger. That's one of the reasons strippers use stage names. Bartender's do too. Mine is MANTHUNDER.
5.Say "make it strong!" or "put a lot of liquor in it"
Oh, you're one of the rare drinkers that like their drink strong! When you say this, you're assuming I make weak drinks (which is insulting) and you're assuming that I'll stiffen this one up for my new best buddy, you. This is the best way to get a weak drink.
6.Give the ever-expanding drink order
You want a Bud. I go get it. I come back and now you want a Margarita. Okay, no prob. I come back, and (oh yeah!) now you want a shot of Tequila, too. You really could have told us this all at once. See Rule 1.
7.Pull the redirect (or the bait 'n' switch)
Usually used after the money wave or the whistle, this is when the gentlemen passes his turn to the lady behind him. Yeah, um, don't do that, okay? Chances are she's not ready, and your weak attempt at chivalry just cost you your turn. See you in 30 minutes.
8.Try the confused, lost look
This is usually accompanied by the question "What kind of beer y'all got?" while looking at all the beers we have. You did know you were in a bar, right? You didn't just appear here, did you? Refer to Rule 1.
9.Order High Maintenance shooters
Example: "Lemme get an Alabama Slammer, a Red Snapper, two Kamikazes, a Buttery Nipple and a Lemon Drop." Usually followed by a small tip. People, these shooters are fine by themselves, but there are multiple steps involved with each one. Translation: Time Sink. You may get them this time, but you'll probably be waited on last the next time we see your face. Here's a clue as to whether or not you're high maintenance; if two bartenders are working and they see you, and they flip a coin and the loser comes over to take your order, pretty good chance you're high maintenance.
10.Assume we know you're in the band
We know, we know, you're gonna be really famous, but you're not there yet, tiger. Tell us you're in the band and which band you're in. By the way, if you are in a band and get free/reduced drink prices, feel free to tip, as most bartenders are also in bands! It's not like we don't know how it is. Oh, and our bands will smoke your band.
11.Assume we know you period
Unless you've followed the first "Do" rule below, we don't remember you. You are one of a thousand faces for us, and when you point at an empty glass or a beer bottle that's invariably facing away from us, your attempt at a shortcut backfires. Tell us what you want.
12.Apologize for sucking
Don't apologize for not tipping. Acknowledging that you suck is not the same as not sucking. Oh, and don't say "I'll get ya next time." We know all about you.
13.Assume soft drinks are free
Are they free at McDonald's? Are they free at Wal-Mart? Are they free anywhere? I blame M.A.D.D. for this myth.
14.Put pennies and nickels in the tip jar
We don't want that crap in our pockets any more than you do. We don't have anything smaller than quarters. Have you ever ordered a drink that cost $3.17?
15.Be "The Microbrew Aficionado"
Usually a pseudo-hippy who can't tip a quarter but can't bring himself to drink "schwag," and who has to sample some new berry-wheat-harvest-ale that he heard about at Burning Man. "Do you have the new Vernal-Equinox Special Welcome-Fest?" "Does Anyone?" Here's your Newcastle. Go.
16.Be "The Daddy Warbucks"
Dressed in classic day-trader wear, this loud, boisterous guy smokes cigars and orders Martinis and generally exudes an air of money. Until the tip. We hate you.
17.Be a "Whiney Baby"
Under no circumstances should you ever whine to a bartender when asked to see your ID. Our jobs depend on them, and when we spot a fake/expired ID, don't argue; we've seen and heard it all a million times before, and it will get you absolutely nowhere. If you "don't have one" or "forgot it," forget it; you don't belong out on the town in the first place. That's the law, plain and simple. If we don't have the law, the terrorists win. You don't want the terrorists to win, do you? Bring your ID. Remember Rule 1, from a minute ago?
18.Don't tell me the bartender at the front bar hooks it up cheaper bullshit because if he did you wouldn't be at my bar gettin it from me! if you can't afford the drinks you are ordering then don't drink!
Tip heavy right off the bat, and you're the first person we aim for every time you come up to the bar. Did you get that? Go back and read it again. The word will spread to the other bartenders and you'll be treated like a prince. It will pay off in better drinks and the occasional free one.
2.Be patient
All you really need to do to get waited on is make eye contact. We see you, and we'll get to you before the guy right next to you waving money and whistling. Remember, this isn't insulin we're passing out here. If you really need the drink that bad, you've got a problem to address, Jack. The meek shall inherit the bar.
we are human not machines we know you're there however you are not the only or most important one in the bar...
Things that suck and other aggrivates
~ I'm really sick of seeing people who post pictures of their new tattoo's only to have them suck. If you know you didn't get quality work done or your tattoo looks like a blurry butterfly when it's supposed to be a bird, don't post it. We don't want to see your stupid mistake that will fade in about 3 months and you will spend the rest of your life telling people, "yea, man..I'm getting that covered up soon".
~ I also am sick of people that correct my grammar, spelling or whatever else they feel the need to correct. You aren't my mom and you aren't grading my papers so get the heck out of grill.
~ I'm also sick of religious freaks justifying their religious freakyness by quote bible scriptures. Look people, I grew up in the holiest of the holy and know your game. You can't justify what you are doing by spouting rules from a book that not everyone lives by. That's like justifying stealing by saying your imaginary friend told you to take it. I'm not knocking religion by any means. I'm just saying, your way isn't the only way so don't shove it my face. I refuse to believe that there is an entire country (India) of people going to Hell because they never accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior. God is different things to different people and whatever helps them find peace is fine with me. I should be fine to you too.
~ I'm sick of people telling my mom the goings on in my life because they happen to be a MySpace friend. Listen genius, if I wanted my mom to know what was happening in my life I would just tell her. I certainly wouldn't be looking for other outlets to spout my indescretions and revelations, now would I?
~ I am tired of being told to wake up earlier and go to bed sooner. What am I, 8? If I needed someone to control my sleep patterns I'd sign up for one of the studies at Bowman Gray. Back out of my bedroom.
~ Why must we have small talk? If I have nothing to say to you, I won't talk to you. I'm going to ask you how you've been and I'm not going to ask you what's going on new in your life. I don't care. And why do you care about me? Meaningful conversations are highly under rated and should be attepted more often.
~Timing sucks. I hate having to be somewhere at a certain time. I hate not being able to be somewhere when I want to. I hate that I can't immediately have what I want when I want it. I hate that I spent my life looking for something that right in front of me all along. I hate that you have been out of my life for longer than you have been in it. I hate that I can't run away with you.
~Being out of the loops just blows. Don't you hate it when you read someones blog and you have no idea what they are talking about but you hope upon hope it's about you? Yea, me too.
~ I also am sick of people that correct my grammar, spelling or whatever else they feel the need to correct. You aren't my mom and you aren't grading my papers so get the heck out of grill.
~ I'm also sick of religious freaks justifying their religious freakyness by quote bible scriptures. Look people, I grew up in the holiest of the holy and know your game. You can't justify what you are doing by spouting rules from a book that not everyone lives by. That's like justifying stealing by saying your imaginary friend told you to take it. I'm not knocking religion by any means. I'm just saying, your way isn't the only way so don't shove it my face. I refuse to believe that there is an entire country (India) of people going to Hell because they never accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior. God is different things to different people and whatever helps them find peace is fine with me. I should be fine to you too.
~ I'm sick of people telling my mom the goings on in my life because they happen to be a MySpace friend. Listen genius, if I wanted my mom to know what was happening in my life I would just tell her. I certainly wouldn't be looking for other outlets to spout my indescretions and revelations, now would I?
~ I am tired of being told to wake up earlier and go to bed sooner. What am I, 8? If I needed someone to control my sleep patterns I'd sign up for one of the studies at Bowman Gray. Back out of my bedroom.
~ Why must we have small talk? If I have nothing to say to you, I won't talk to you. I'm going to ask you how you've been and I'm not going to ask you what's going on new in your life. I don't care. And why do you care about me? Meaningful conversations are highly under rated and should be attepted more often.
~Timing sucks. I hate having to be somewhere at a certain time. I hate not being able to be somewhere when I want to. I hate that I can't immediately have what I want when I want it. I hate that I spent my life looking for something that right in front of me all along. I hate that you have been out of my life for longer than you have been in it. I hate that I can't run away with you.
~Being out of the loops just blows. Don't you hate it when you read someones blog and you have no idea what they are talking about but you hope upon hope it's about you? Yea, me too.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I'm getting to old for this...
So I've come to the conclusion that Eric may actually be right about something. As much as it pains me to say it, I think he has the right idea about friendships and people in general. You see Eric has no close friends. It isn't really due to lack of people asking him to do things or whatnot. I used to think it was because he is a douche and no one wants him around. But having been with him two years now, I've noticed that guys at work are constantly trying to get him to do things with them. They ask him to play golf, go to races, all kinds of stuff. But he just blows them off. I realize why now.
You can't count on anyone. Ever. All you have in this life is yourself and if you put yourself out there then you will get hurt. It is a fact. When you make every effort to invite people into your world all you get in return is $250 worth of food and liquor that will never get eaten or drank, you learn to just let people go. When you spend hours thinking of clever things to name drinks for your so called 'friends' and they don't have the decency to call you and let you know they can't make learn to dismiss them.
I have recently discovered that there are only a few 'true' people in this world. Only a very slight group that will do what they say and say what they mean. Those people are the people you want in your life. It is also important to note that those people happen to also be my age or close to it.
You see, I've been living my life like I'm still a kid. I've been trying to compete with the 20 year olds and trying to befriend them. I've recently come to the conclusion that I have more in common with their parents then them. Although I'm still in college, I need to realize that I'm not a kid. I'm an adult in a childs world and need to act accordingly. I keep trying to recreate the 'good old days' and well, they were just that, the old days.
I never thought that turning 30 would catapult me into some sort of life changing mindset. But now I know, I'm an adult and should surround myself with like minded people. My goals no longer consist of where I'm going out this weekend or how am I getting home after. They are much deeper and much more grounded in reality. You come to discover that it's not who can drink the most or who can be the loudest drunk, but who will be there when the dust settles that matters.
I'm grateful to have the few true friends that I've got. To the rest of you, I hope one day you find your peace and grow up.
You can't count on anyone. Ever. All you have in this life is yourself and if you put yourself out there then you will get hurt. It is a fact. When you make every effort to invite people into your world all you get in return is $250 worth of food and liquor that will never get eaten or drank, you learn to just let people go. When you spend hours thinking of clever things to name drinks for your so called 'friends' and they don't have the decency to call you and let you know they can't make learn to dismiss them.
I have recently discovered that there are only a few 'true' people in this world. Only a very slight group that will do what they say and say what they mean. Those people are the people you want in your life. It is also important to note that those people happen to also be my age or close to it.
You see, I've been living my life like I'm still a kid. I've been trying to compete with the 20 year olds and trying to befriend them. I've recently come to the conclusion that I have more in common with their parents then them. Although I'm still in college, I need to realize that I'm not a kid. I'm an adult in a childs world and need to act accordingly. I keep trying to recreate the 'good old days' and well, they were just that, the old days.
I never thought that turning 30 would catapult me into some sort of life changing mindset. But now I know, I'm an adult and should surround myself with like minded people. My goals no longer consist of where I'm going out this weekend or how am I getting home after. They are much deeper and much more grounded in reality. You come to discover that it's not who can drink the most or who can be the loudest drunk, but who will be there when the dust settles that matters.
I'm grateful to have the few true friends that I've got. To the rest of you, I hope one day you find your peace and grow up.
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