When I give someone my heart. they will accept it willingly and openly.
They will not put on conditions or exceptions on it.
When I give someone my heart, I shall expect theirs in return.
Not a desperate attempt at a life together out of loneliness or obligation.
When I give someone my heart, I expect nothing but full disclosure.
Including feeling comfortable in the unknown.
When I give someone my heart, it will be forever.
Not one minute shy of an eternity.
When I give someone my heart, they will know my intentions.
And I will know the extent of that intent.
When I give someone my heart, I will bleed for them.
Because nothing short of an opened vein will convey that amount of love.
When I give someone my heart, it will be because they deserve it.
My heart is not to be accepted lightly or haphazardly.
You may think you want this.
You may think you can handle this.
You may think you know me.
You may think you care.
I can assure you that you have no idea of who I am.
Don't dismiss my kindness for true feelings of love.
I am way too complex to be used as your object of desire.
Adoration comes at a great price.
When I give you my heart, I will be whole.
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