Monday, October 01, 2007

The Pursuit of a 'Good Man'

She thought she had a 'Good Man' until she moved in with him and his age and inexperience exposed him. She still tried to salvage the 'Good' but the damage was done. Irresponsibility, does not a 'Good Man' make.

And she thought she had a 'Good Man' until his lying and cheating were leaked by the accomplice. Every time she looks at him she sees 'Doubt' printed on his forehead, but continues to remember the 'Good' times. The 'Good Man' is now rebuilding his credibility...does that make him 'Damaged Man' now?

I often hear women say they just wish they could find a 'Good Man'. Maybe they need to work on their idea of 'Good'. Does this ideal of a 'Good Man' exist? If he does, is he stuck in a loveless relationship because in being 'Good' he doesn't abandon his responsibilities? Does the 'Good' in him get confused for friendship, therefore never creating a romantic spark?

I have never had a 'Good Man'. I have met a few, but they all expose their flaws eventually. Perfection isn't essential in the pursuit of 'Good', but integrity, responsibility and honesty are. Whenever I find my personal ideal of the 'Good', he doesn't want me. So in essence, he can't be a 'Good Man', can he? I mean who wouldn't want me? Not me per se, but the collective me; Women. A 'Good Man' would want me for me and love me for me. I would be enough for a 'Good Man'. He would satify me emotionally and physically. He would compliment my idiosyncrasies, and understand my eccentricities. He would be witty and smart. He would be loving and empathetic. I would be completly smitten by him and never want for another. He would be my 'Good Man' and I would cherish him with all the love in my heart.

1 comment:

(M)ary said...

Well, I never expect to stay with a man or for him to want to stay with me. So, I have a really, really broad idea of what a man should be. He can do a lot of crap and I don't care because I don't let him get to me emotionally. This helps me feel less hurt when the "relationship" ends. But it also keeps me from ever being close and intimate.

Love is such a double edged order to really fall in love and be intimate you have to let someone into your life, work on forgiving him if he makes mistake, ask him to forgive you if you make a mistake... and risk losing the person in the end even if you try your hardest.

I keep men at a distance which solves the problem of getting hurt but it is lonely.

Anyway, good luck and hope you find a good man.